Farnaz Zabetian
Farnaz Zabetian Born in Tehran, Iran is a contemporary Iranian/American painter best known for her woman themed paintings, which depicts highly expressive female figures.

Her latest production involves female figures combined with abstract figures and backgrounds. Of this dual representation strategy Zabetian notes, “my effort is for my paintings to be a manifestation of my attention to the events of daily life. My subjects are usually maltreated women, particularly from the part of the world that I come from.”

Left; Memory’s Fog | Oil on Canvas – Right; Vanilla Silent Cries | Oil on Canvas
Zabetian is a much sought after drawing and painting instructor because of her steadfast commitment to the age old discipline of working and creating compelling expressions of the human condition. She has given painting/drawing seminars and lectures at various institutions, and universities.
Zabetian’s works can be seen in many public and private collections worldwide.
She has also produced murals in many cities including San Francisco and New York.

Left; Rabel | Oil on Canvas – Right; Oil on Canvas

Left; Butterfly and Cocoon | Oil on Canvas – Right; But how to ban the pain? | Oil on Canvas